Scooby-domain (Sequence hydrophobicity
predicts domains) is a method to identify globular regions in protein sequence that are suitable for structural studies.
The current version is 2.0. Note however, that the JAVA applet runs version 1.0.
The Scooby-domain JAVA applet (v1.0) can be used as a tool to visually identify 'foldable' regions in protein sequence.
WSDL: SOAP interface available.
George RA, Lin K and Heringa J. (2005) Scooby-domain: prediction of globular
domains in protein sequence. 2005. Nucleic Acids Research 33: W160-163.
Pang CN, Lin K, Wouters MA, Heringa J, George RA. (2008) Identifying
foldable regions in protein sequence from the hydrophobic signal.
Nucleic Acids Research 36: 578-588.